
ON LINE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ODR) is quick, cheap, effective and very efficient for everyone concerned. All you need is internet access.

If you would like a special officer to try it, let us know.

Further information about ODR as follows:

Online and Alternative Dispute Resolution – What it Means for Businesses
(ODR and ADR)


Are you a busy director or manager looking for an easy way to resolve a dispute?

We do a lot of easy B2B telephone and zoom mediations to iron out disputes before they get out of hand and often after too. Creating a dialogue on line without immediate contact works remarkably well and can be done in or out of your normal office as suits. ODR is not just for consumers but useful at every level.

A Peaceful New Year?

The EU brought in new laws on 9 July 2015 to cover ODR for consumers. Millions of consumers complain every year and this is a good way of solving disputes quickly and cheaply. Feedback from consumers who have used Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) tends to be positive, and a recent survey indicates 82% of businesses who have used ADR would use it again.

What does the law require businesses to do?

If there is an unresolved dispute between a business and a consumer, the business must provide information about an appropriate certified ADR provider to the consumer. This can most easily be done via their website.

If the business belongs to a sector with mandatory ADR schemes it will have to advise consumers that their dispute can be referred to the relevant ADR body. If the business is not obliged to use an ADR provider, they must advise the consumer whether or not they will use ADR to attempt to settle the dispute. In practice consumers may prefer to buy from a business offering this after care service.

Can a consumer force a business to use ADR or a particular ADR provider?

No, unless the business is in a sector where the use of ADR is already mandatory.

Who will pay for the ADR?

The business itself, or its trade association will meet the cost. 

Who will oversee this?

The Government has appointed Sector Regulators. The Trading Standards Institute (TSI) will oversee ADR schemes in the non-regulated sectors.
Are there any exemptions? Yes, healthcare and “non-economic services” performed by a member state.

What about Online Dispute Resolution (“ODR”)?

Since January 2016, ODR is an acceptable platform for dispute resolution by law. Every business should consider how useful it can be. In particular it covers on line disputes and it makes sense for a transaction made on line to be settled by an on line dispute resolution method. Electronic case management tools and video conferencing facilities such as Zoom and Skype are used frequently.