
No Fault Mediation is a default setting!

No fault divorce came into law on 6 April 2022 by The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020. Petitions used to have allege fault as part of the application, using the headings of adultery or unreasonable behaviour, (separation periods were often too long to...

FREE chat with a professional mediator?

Is someone difficult to talk with over a dispute about something? A third party neutral (a mediator) maybe exactly what you need to have the conversation you want (conflict coaching) or to meet that person on line or by telephone with the mediator making it a safe...

The Four Tensions in Mediation

Mediation is the facilitation of negotiation and in order to do it well you need a conceptual understanding of negotiation and the four tensions that need managing: 1. Its only about the Money and Alternative Solution Creation. Creating value by expanding the pie,...

What is so good about mediation?

It is a little like what Benjamin Franklin said: “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn”. If you tell parties what to do or what you think they should do they will probably forget any benefit and remain annoyed about the dispute,...